23 Nisan Çocuk Bayramı
1979'da, yine ilk olarak
altı ülkenin katılmasıyla uluslararası boyuta taşıdığımız bu millî bayramımıza,
ortalama olarak her yıl yüzün üzerinde
ülkeden gelen ve Türk çocuklarının misafiri olan yabancı ülke çocukları ülkemize gelmektedir. Bu sayede 23 Nisan dünya çocuklarıyla şölen havasında coşkuyla kutlanmaktadır. Dünya'da
çocuklarına bayram hediye eden ve bu bayramı bütün dünya ile paylaşan ilk ve
tek ülke Türkiye’dir
Büyük önder Atatürk'ün
düşüncesinde çocuklar, milletin geleceğidir. Onlara duyduğu sarsılmaz güvenin
ve büyük sevginin ifadesi olarak,
TBMM’nin açıldığı günü 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik Ve Çocuk Bayramı
olarak çocuklara armağan ederek tarihimizin gurur dolu sayfalarının yeni
nesillerce öğrenilmesi , tarih bilinciyle yetişmesi de amaçlanmıştır.
23 Nisan çocuk Bayramını bu
sene Ramazan Bayramıyla bir arada
coşkuyla çifte bayram kutluyoruz.
April 23 Children's Day is a holiday that we celebrate with all children around the world. But first of all, it also carries the distinction of being the first national holiday of the newly established Turkish state. It was first celebrated as the National Domination Day. The celebrations, which were officially named Children's Day in 1927, were extended to 7 days in 1929 and became Children's Week with activities.
In 1979, this national holiday, which we brought to an international dimension with the participation of six countries for the first time, visits our country with children from foreign countries, who come from over a hundred countries and are the guests of Turkish children on average every year. In this way, April 23 is celebrated with enthusiasm in a festive mood with the children of the world. Turkey is the first and only country in the world that gives a holiday to its children and shares this holiday with the whole world.
In the thought of the great leader Atatürk, children are the future of the nation. As an expression of the unwavering trust and great love it has for them, it is aimed that the proud pages of our history are learned by new generations and that they grow up with historical awareness by presenting the day of the opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly to children as April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day.
This year, we celebrate April 23 Children's Day with Eid al-Fitr and a double holiday with enthusiasm.
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